Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment

In the midst of life’s demands and uncertainties, anxiety can add an extra layer of daily difficulty that continues to bother us, making it difficult to find relief even in simple moments. 

Anxiety can manifest in many forms. It could be persistent worries, a sudden panic attack, trembling sensations, or physical tension. No matter how it manifests, our compassionate team of experts in Sivana Rehab is here to collaborate with you on an individualised treatment plan to free you from your daily challenges.

We understand the complexity of anxiety because we have witnessed how it impacts countless lives. We use effective and evidence-based strategies that fit your unique needs so you can manage your anxiety and regain your sense of well-being. 

Anxiety is a normal part of our human experience. It is our body’s way of reacting to stress and alerting us to potential threats or dangers. However, for some people, anxiety reaches the level of a clinical disorder because their experience is persistent and overwhelming and affects their day-to-day functioning.

If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety, becoming familiar with its signs and symptoms is the first step towards getting support. 

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder


Often, people who struggle with substance misuse do not realise the extent of their dependence, or they don’t know how to begin getting help. Many times, their loved ones come together to show them the extent of their addiction and compel them to seek treatment. An intervention is often the first step towards recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.

Psychoeducation: During the first few sessions of CBT, your therapist will discuss everything about your anxiety disorder, its symptoms, causes and risk factors, treatment options, and how CBT works. The goals and objectives of the treatment plan are also discussed.

Identifying Negative Thought: During the CBT sessions, your therapist will guide you to identify the negative thought patterns associated with your anxiety. This includes cognitive distortions such as catastrophising or thinking about the worst-case scenario, black-and-white thinking or over-generalisation, like drawing conclusions based on limited evidence. 

Cognitive Restructuring: Once your irrational thoughts (cognitive distortions) are identified, the goal is to challenge them by asking if there is evidence to support them and modify and replace them with more rational thought patterns. 

Behavioural Techniques: CBT integrates strategies to help you modify the behavioural patterns associated with your anxiety. Techniques such as exposure therapy, which involves gradually confronting feared objects or situations; behavioural activation, which involves increasing engagement in activities that provide a sense of accomplishment; and activity schedule, which involves creating a structured daily routine, are taught to improve the adaptive response to anxiety. 


If psychotherapy alone is unsuccessful, medication may be prescribed to manage the anxiety symptoms and accelerate the treatment outcome. Typically, antidepressants such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are recommended as a first-line pharmacological treatment for anxiety due to their effectiveness and lower risk of side effects and dependence. This class of medication works by blocking the neurotransmitter serotonin reabsorption and increasing its level in the brain.


Anxiety treatment offers profound benefits that extend beyond symptom relief. It is a transformative journey that promotes self-discovery, building resilience, and exploring personal growth. We understand that feeling apprehensive about seeking help is natural, but taking your first step here at Sivana Rehab is an act of courage and self-care. 

You are welcome to contact our experienced team. We are here to provide compassionate support and a comprehensive treatment plan to help you reclaim control over your life. Take charge of your mental health today, and let’s work together towards a future where anxiety no longer holds you back.