Porn Addiction Treatment

People watch porn for a variety of reasons. For some people, they watch porn to explore their sexuality. They’re not sure if they’d like something in real life, so they watch porn of it to see how they feel about it. Other people watch porn because it’s the only form of release available to them. Real-life relationships haven’t gone the way they may have hoped, so they view porn instead. Some couples even use pornography in their sex lives. 

Watching porn in and of itself is not a problematic behaviour. Porn can be part of a healthy sex life, but too much porn can have mental and emotional consequences.

Given the ubiquity of online pornography, many people consume porn. They may not talk about it, but it’s a behaviour that most people engage in.

The problem, however, is when that behaviour becomes an addiction and viewing pornography becomes a dominant part of a person’s life. Sivana Rehab is a world-class treatment centre that can help people overcome substance abuse, co-occurring mental health disorders, and process addictions.

A porn addiction is a type of process addiction wherein a person consumes pornographic material compulsively. People who have this addiction will struggle to control their cravings. They will watch porn regardless of any consequences they may suffer as a result.

Porn addiction can cause problems in a person’s sexual health. The overconsumption of porn can make it difficult for a person to perform in real-life scenarios. It can also have financial impacts on a person.

While porn on the internet is generally free, many people with a porn addiction find that they develop a tolerance and require more extreme or niche content to achieve the same level of satisfaction. This niche or extreme content is often inaccessible and hidden behind a paywall.

Another way in which a porn addiction can impact a person’s finances is through adult content creators. There are now websites on which people can subscribe to specific adult content creators, and these services allow people to send monetary gifts in addition to their monthly subscription fee.

Some subscribers can develop a parasocial relationship wherein they develop romantic feelings and send them tremendous monetary gifts as a way to get their attention and initiate a relationship. 

A porn addiction can also cause people to struggle with their self-esteem. The performers in porn often have bodily proportions that do not reflect the general populace, and many people who regularly go on porn sites may feel inadequate in comparison.

Watching pornography can be a difficult habit to break. But with effective treatment, a person can understand their relationship with porn better and recalibrate their habits regarding the use of pornography. Some of the aspects of our treatment plan include the following:

What Causes Pornography Addiction?

What Causes Pornography Addiction?

There are numerous causes behind porn addiction. As with many forms of addiction, a person’s genetics can play a role. Addictive behaviours can run in families, and people with family backgrounds of addiction (any addiction) are more susceptible to addiction themselves.

The ubiquity of internet pornography has given rise to online porn addiction. Porn is so easily accessed online that it can be easy for a person to give in to compulsive porn viewing.

A lack of confidence in real-world relationships can also be a driving factor for pornography addiction. Many people may not be able to initiate a relationship, so they turn to porn as a substitute, developing a dependence and eventual addiction in the process.

Societal factors can also contribute to porn addiction. If a person is in an environment in which porn consumption is normalised, then that can influence them to start consuming porn themselves.


A person who is addicted to porn will display several signs and symptoms. Like with other forms of addiction, a person who has a porn addiction may neglect their responsibilities and withdraw socially in favour of looking at porn. Part of this social withdrawal may also be because they are trying to hide their habits.

By far, the most telling symptom of porn addiction is preoccupation. A person who is addicted to porn will think of porn all the time. It will become their highest priority and can lead to neglect of responsibilities and social withdrawal.

Excessive porn consumption can also cause physical symptoms. Because people consume porn from the internet, the use of porn can cause eye strain as people stare at screens for extended periods.

Legal issues can also be indicative of pornography consumption in some people. Some of the content they view may be illegal. Even if everything that a person doesn’t consume illegal porn, they may still face legal consequences as they use it in inappropriate circumstances, such as in public. They may also face professional consequences as some may watch porn at work.