Internet Addiction Treatment

Sex Addiction Treatment

Sex is a normal part of life. Copulation is essential for many species to keep going. Beyond reproduction, many people derive pleasure from sexual acts. Regardless of why people engage in sexual behaviour, sex is an intrinsic part of the human condition, barring those who are asexual. Having sexual thoughts and urges is a normal part of being a person, as is engaging in acts like the consumption of pornography and masturbation.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with sex if everyone involved fully consents, but there are some people who can take their sexual behaviour too far and can end up with sex addiction.

At Sivana Rehab, we can offer people world-class treatment for a variety of substance and behavioural addictions.

Sex addiction, also known as hypersexual disorder, is a medical condition in which a person is entirely preoccupied with sex. This can be in their behaviour, their urges, or their fantasies. Regardless of how it manifests, a person who has this addiction may think about sex constantly.

People who have this form of addiction will engage in sex-related behaviour regardless of any negative consequences they may suffer as a result. This is because, like many forms of addiction, the cravings will be uncontrollable. They’ll be unable to reduce or control their sexual compulsions, and they may prioritise it over everything else in their lives.

It’s related to porn addiction. The main difference is that pornography addiction is about the compulsive consumption of pornography, whereas sex addiction is about being intimate with other people.

While hypersexuality can be a difficult condition to live with, there are treatment options available that can help a person get their behaviour under control. A treatment programme may integrate some of the following:

Sexual addiction is not just having sex. It does not even mean having a lot of it. There are plenty of people who have healthy and very active sex lives without ever being in a position to need sex addiction counselling. Some of the ways to tell if a person has a sex addiction may include:


As mentioned previously, one of the most identifiable symptoms of sex addiction is that a person is preoccupied with sex, either having it, trying to initiate it with someone else, or thinking about it.

The urge to have sex will be all-consuming, and it’s not unusual for a person to lose interest in other activities, and sex may take precedence over everything else.


Another sign of sexual addiction is escalation. They go from activities such as regular sex, viewing pornography, and phone sex to activities such as exhibitionism and voyeurism to achieve their desired level of satisfaction.

Some of the acts that they escalate to, such as unprotected sex, may come with risk. 

Loss of Control

Another major sign of addiction is when a person is unable to control their urges. They may try to behave in a different way, they may try to reframe their relationship with sexual intimacy, or they may try to stop. These attempts will invariably fail without professional intervention; recovery can be difficult even then.

There are a number of factors that can cause someone to develop hypersexual disorder. Some of these factors include:


Like other kinds of addiction, genetics can play a role. Addictive tendencies can be passed down genetically and can manifest in different ways. 

Speaking of which, mental health disorders can also be passed down genetically, and they are often a major contributor to addiction.

Coping Mechanism

Some people may use sex as a way to cope with stressors such as relationship issues, trauma, or work-related stress. Some people who have low self-esteem may also use sex as a way to receive external validation.

Personality Trains

Certain personality traits, such as impulsivity, can render an individual more susceptible to developing an addiction, particularly to behaviours such as compulsive sexual behaviour or other behavioural addictions.