Synthetic Drug Addiction Treatment
Despite the hazards associated with synthetic drugs, they are becoming more prevalent. The peril of utilising synthetic drugs is not adequately conveyed by terms such as Molly, jewellery cleanser, or bath salts. Suppose you or a loved one is experiencing difficulty and is already becoming addicted to synthetic drugs. In that case, you may wish to learn more about the dangers of synthetic drugs and the treatment options for synthetic drug abuse that Sivana Rehab provides. We can assist you or your loved ones in overcoming their problematic addiction by employing drug detox, therapy and a variety of treatment strategies.
What Are Synthetic Drugs?
New psychoactive substances (NPS) or synthetic drugs are designed to replicate the effects of illicit substances, including cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, and LSD.
The chemical structures of synthetic drugs are distinct from those of the illicit substances they are attempting to imitate. To remain abreast of the law, synthetic drug manufacturers are perpetually altering their chemical structures.
Certain synthetic drugs may be advertised as “legal,” secure, and acceptable substitutes for illegal substances. Nevertheless, this does not imply that they are safe or legal.
Common Types of Synthetic Drugs
Synthetic Cannabinoids
Synthetic cannabinoids bind to the same brain cell receptors as the chemicals found in marijuana. Gas stations and online retailers frequently sell them under the following names:
- K2
- Potpourri
- Spice
- Herbal incense
Sellers may advertise the products as “fake marijuana” or “synthetic marijuana.” Users may smoke certain synthetic cannabinoids that are available in plant form. Other substances are consumed through ingestion, vaping, or inhalation.
The effects of synthetic cannabis are frequently more potent than those produced by the compounds present in cannabis plant material. Despite the federal government’s prohibition of cannabis as an illicit drug, synthetic alternatives may pose more significant risks.
Synthetic Cathinones
Synthetic cathinones are akin to the chemicals in khat, a shrub utilised for its moderate stimulant properties. Addiction and adverse health consequences may also result from the use of khat. Nevertheless, synthetic cathinones are frequently considerably more potent, rendering them even more hazardous.
Synthetic cathinones are frequently sold by retailers as “plant food” and “bath salts.” The products may be labelled as not intended for human ingestion on the packaging. This is an effort to circumvent FDA regulations. Also known as “flakka,” synthetic cathinones are sold.
Synthetic Stimulants
A wide variety of chemicals, such as amphetamines and phenethylamines, are synthetic stimulants that induce feelings of excitement and energy in consumers. Synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinone may also exhibit stimulants.
Sales of synthetic stimulants frequently occur under the following names:
- Methamphetamine
- Ecstasy
Synthetic Hallucinogens
Synthetic hallucinogens disrupt neurotransmitters in a manner that is comparable to the compounds present in psychedelic “magic” mushrooms, salvia, and peyote. Several synthetic hallucinogens, including LSD, have been utilised for decades. Others, such as 25I-NBOMe (N-BOMB), have only existed since the dawn of the 21st century.
Users may experience a variety of effects from hallucinogens. For instance, ketamine is frequently implemented as an aesthetic agent during surgical procedures. It possesses dissociative properties that result in sedation, amnesia, and pain relief. Nevertheless, N-BOMB has the potential to induce a state of euphoria and excitement. It is not known to have any medical applications.
Ideally, synthetic hallucinogens are designed to replicate the effects of natural hallucinogens. In reality, manufacturers are not supervised, resulting in substantial variations in the quality and constituents of individual products.

Types of Synthetic Drug Addiction Treatment
Medical Detox
Medical detox is the process of eliminating noxious, addictive substances from the body under the guidance of a licensed medical professional team. This team typically includes nurses, clinical staff, and therapists, and it is led by a physician. Certain facilities employ advanced practice personnel, such as physician assistants or nurse practitioners, to provide medical care during detoxification.
Addiction is a chronic condition that can be managed, similar to diabetes, asthma, or rheumatoid arthritis, despite its infrequent flare-ups. The function of medical detoxification in addiction is comparable to that of a hospital emergency department in the management of long-term medical conditions. Medical detoxification for addiction stabilises an acute flare-up of a chronic disease, similar to an emergency room visit for an asthma attack. Still, it does not alter the long-term course of the disease.
For the majority of individuals who are seeking inpatient or residential drug and alcohol treatment, medical detoxification is the primary focus and commences at the outset of the treatment pathway. Although medical detox alone is not considered addiction treatment, individuals who complete medical detox are more likely to remain in treatment for an extended period and experience more prolonged periods of sobriety.
Holistic Therapy
Holistic recovery emphasises the restoration of the body as a whole, addressing the physical consequences of addictive behaviours and promoting overall wellness. Activities such as meditation, exercise, and nourishment are frequently implemented by treatment centres that adopt this methodology to aid individuals in the management of addiction.
A holistic treatment takes an individual-centred approach to healthcare, recognising the interconnection between the mind and body. In a holistic therapy environment, treatment centres perceive a variety of therapies as opportunities for patients to address their emotional and physical requirements simultaneously.
Holistic addiction treatment strategies prioritise the holistic treatment of the individual, as opposed to solely addressing the symptoms of substance misuse and related issues.
Numerous holistic therapies are accessible for the treatment of substance addiction. Some examples of integrative therapies that are frequently implemented in treatment are as follows:
Art therapy
Nutritional counselling
Individuals who have been substance addicts frequently encounter persistent, systemic challenges in maintaining their sobriety. They may encounter challenges in finding employment that provides them financial stability or obtaining secure and affordable housing. Individuals who have experienced substance addiction may also encounter legal obstacles that can be exceedingly distressing to negotiate.
People may experience relapses as a result of stress and anxiety, which can serve as substantial triggers for drug use. The resources listed below are available to patients as part of aftercare programmes, which can assist them in maintaining a stress-free and drug-free lifestyle:
Career guidance and assistance
Legal counsel and assistance
Long-term assistance during significant life changes
Financial planning
Case management
Academic support
Coaching and goal-setting
Substance monitoring
Signs and Symptoms of Synthetic Drug Addiction
Synthetic pharmaceutical manufacturers fail to disclose the ingredients employed in their production, which renders them particularly hazardous. As they have not been approved for human consumption, individuals who consume these substances and their active ingredients are unaware of the harmful and unpredictable adverse effects they may experience.
The symptoms of abuse and addiction are frequently challenging to identify due to the vast number of synthetic drugs that are currently available, a number that is increasing at a rapid pace.

Synthetic substance abuse may result in both short-term and long-term health complications, such as:
- Chest discomfort
- Elevated blood pressure
- Stroke
- Vomiting confusion
- Delusions
- The risk of cardiac attack increased
Psychological complications, including:
- Psychosis
- Self-injurious behaviour
- Homicidal conduct
- Anxiety
Synthetic substance addiction may also lead to a variety of social issues, such as:
- Unemployment
- Financial difficulties
- Legal complications
- Domestic violence
Side Effects of Synthetic Drug Use
Symptoms that have been reported in individuals who abuse synthetic drugs include the following:
Behavioural symptoms:
- Sudden, severe episodes of hyperactivity
- Sudden, prolonged periods of sluggishness
- Sudden, unprovoked, and severe episodes of anger
- Violent behaviour
Physical symptoms:
- Heart palpitations
- Muscle spasms
- Elevated blood pressure
- Migraines
- Nausea
Cognitive symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- Feeling disoriented
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Modified perspectives
- Depersonalisation
Psychosocial symptoms:
- Severe anxiety
- Depressive episodes
- Elevated moods
- Psychosis

Withdrawal from Synthetic Drugs
Symptoms of synthetic drug withdrawal: Individuals who have established a pattern of synthetic drug abuse are at risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they abruptly discontinue their use. Symptoms and effects that may be indicative of synthetic drug withdrawal are known to persist for up to three days. These symptoms include:

- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Intense cravings
- Experiencing intense hunger
- Alternating between hot and cold flushes
- Experiencing flu-like symptoms
- Isolation
- Excessive sluggishness
- High levels of anxiety
We Provide Treatment for Synthetic Drug Addiction
If you or a loved one is currently using synthetic drugs, it is not advisable to abruptly discontinue. Whether you are experiencing difficulties with opioids, cannabinoids, or party drugs, Sivana Rehab is here to assist you. Our treatment centre, providing client-focused, individualised treatment options, can offer the necessary support to clients and their families in the fight against synthetic substance addiction. Our addiction clinicians conduct daily therapy sessions, and clients may also participate in group and family therapy to enhance their communication, comprehension, and development. Kickstart your recovery today before transitioning to our partner programmes for extended care. Speak with Sivana Rehab to discover the most appropriate options to treat synthetic drug addiction.